Category: Igen-and-gen-z

Generational Perspective

What are Generation Z’s Social Media Preferences?

For Generation Z, social media has always been a part of their lives. In fact, they don’t view it as media at all. For them, it’s how they connect,... Read More »

CATEGORIES: iGen / Gen Z Research Findings Technology

5 Quick Ways to Effectively Recruit Gen Z Employees

Recruiting Gen Z employees into your workplace is a totally different from how you attracted previous generations. Our latest research reveals some... Read More »

CATEGORIES: iGen / Gen Z Research Findings Workplace & Leadership

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About The Center

The Center for Generational Kinetics solves tough generational challenges with iGen, Millennials, Gen Y, Gen X and Baby Boomers. Our custom research, speaking and strategic consulting deliver innovative, practical solutions that drive results.

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